How Rehab Excursions Help You Experience the Rewards of Sobriety
Think rehab is all work and no play? Think again. The Cabin’s weekend excursions take you on unforgettable adventures – and show you just how rewarding life in recovery can be.
When you picture yourself or someone you love at rehab, these activities probably aren’t included:
- Elephant riding
- Cycling tours
- White water rafting
- Exotic cooking classes
- Traditional rice farming
- Teaching English
- Zip lining
- Temple tours
- Bamboo boat rafting
But at The Cabin, every Sunday, these activities are exactly what’s on offer.
You don’t have to go to a rehab that offers adventurous excursions to be successful in recovery – but you’ll have a whole lot more fun if you do. If our excursions appeal to you, contact us to find out how The Cabin can help you get from where you are to where you want to be.
Read the full article here: Finding Joy in Rehab with The Cabin’s Weekend Excursions.